Supporter Update 🤝🏻 September 1, 2023

Articles, interviews, videos, and podcasts related to seven recent issues

Supporter Update 🤝🏻 September 1, 2023
Jumana Manna, still from Wild Relatives (2018), one of my favorite recent films. Manna’s first US museum survey, “Break, Take, Erase, Tally,” travels to the Wexner Center for the Arts this fall.

Hi everyone,

The Frontier office is closed for the long weekend, the weather is fine, and my boys are playing in a room down the hall. I’m going to join them, but, as always, want to share some fascinating links I’ve come across in recent weeks. Between this past Wednesday’s issue and the stories, podcasts, and videos below, I hope you find something inspiring and fascinating. And be sure to click the film-title links in the image captions, which will take you to the trailers for the two Jumana Manna films I loved watching last year.

See you next Wednesday.

Love all ways,


More stories related to Frontier Magazine issues.

Jumana Manna, installation view at PS1, New York, 2022–23. Photo: Steven Paneccasio
Jumana Manna, still from Foragers, 2022.