Art collector Ken Montague on Black joy and changing institutions from the inside
On representation, portraiture, the value of collaborating, and expanding his horizons
On representation, portraiture, the value of collaborating, and expanding his horizons
Cofounders Andrew Khedoori and Mark Gowing on their egalitarian ethos, emotional sustainability, and the value of curatorial vision in an algorithmic world
On making music in clubs, presenting art in museums, and nurturing the next generation
The Rivers Institute founder on what’s possible when you take your time and build with community
On infrastructure as “care at scale” and our abundant-energy future
On thinking with the door open and building knowledge together
On how technology is reshaping urban public spaces
On infusing technologies with an ethic of care
Ten conversations about big ideas. Every Monday, beginning September 25.
The architect on universal inclusivity, Indigenous ways of knowing and being, and moving beyond star worship in architecture
The architect on working in North America and Africa, breaking away from convention, and helping along the next generation
On the sources of his optimism, creating a “master plan” for the planet, and how important storytelling is to design