The Built Environment
Space Programs
What makes a public space truly public?
Stories about buildings, cities, and the landscape
The Built Environment
What makes a public space truly public?
On The Sphere, a new building in Las Vegas that’s empty by design
Rethinking car use in Tokyo, Paris, and London
When it comes to the built environment, we’re all in this together
The architect on universal inclusivity, Indigenous ways of knowing and being, and moving beyond star worship in architecture
Two creators show us it doesn’t have to be this way
The Built Environment
Lessons on humility and climate resilience from two Mexican architecture firms
Radically different visions of sustainable architecture, in Boston and rural China
The architect on working in North America and Africa, breaking away from convention, and helping along the next generation
Architects Tessa Kelly and Chris Parkinson of Group AU on working collaboratively to nudge Pittsfield, MA, in more community-responsive directions
On the sources of his optimism, creating a “master plan” for the planet, and how important storytelling is to design
A new book celebrates six generation of women architects